The fund is seeking to repair its balance sheet by spinning off some of its power assets. 该基金正寻求通过剥离部分电力资产来修复其资产负债表。
The long-awaited sale of the fast-growing fund management business will boost Barclays 'capital reserves as the bank seeks to strengthen its balance sheet to help it weather further losses that arise from the global economic downturn. 市场对此举期待已久。在巴克莱努力改善资产负债表,以帮助其应对全球经济下滑带来的进一步亏损之际,出售快速增长的iShares基金管理业务,将增强该行的资本金储备。
"We wake up every morning worried about how we will fund our balance sheet that day," he said. “我们每天早晨醒来时都在担忧,如何为当天的资产负债表提供资金,”他表示。
Like similar sovereign wealth fund deals agreed recently by Citigroup and UBS, the capital injection bolsters Morgan Stanley's balance sheet following big subprime losses. 与花旗(Citigroup)和瑞银(UBS)最近与主权财富基金达成的类似交易一样,在摩根士丹利蒙受惨重的次贷损失后,中投公司的注资将为其资产负债表提供支撑。
The Qatar Investment Authority, a Middle East sovereign wealth fund, and the two families could inject cash and assets to strengthen the balance sheet. 中东主权财富基金卡塔尔投资局(qatarinvestmentauthority)和两大家族可能向保时捷注入现金和资产,以增强该公司的资产负债表。
Lehman Brothers, for example, was accused by David Einhorn, the hedge fund manager, of overstating the value of its balance sheet in the lead-up to its collapse in 2008. 例如,对冲基金经理戴维艾因霍恩(davideinhorn)指责雷曼兄弟在2008年公司倒闭前夕夸大其账面价值。
There are two reform methods, the one is to increase the fixed assets 'reduced-value items and the dead fund reversal item, even shown them in the balance sheet or in its notes; 改革方法有两种,一是增加固定资产减值科目和固定基金转回科目,并将此二项目在资产负债表或其附注中列示;
Capital structure and assets structure are two sides of the problem of fund and they comprised the Balance sheet. 资产结构和资本结构是资金的两个不同方面,两者共同构成了资产负债表的内容。